
Hi! I'm Cheryl, Your Lyfe Coach when you are unclear about what you want out of life. It all begins with a new decision.

Here at Lyfe Dsign, we are attentive to our client's interests and desires which are foundational to the creation of a personalized vision statement that align with their life aspirations. How soon can you expect to see a transformation/change in your life?  As soon as you get started! Let's have an exploratory conversation today.

Choose how to be and live life.

Discover how to move from inspiration and aspiration to transformation.


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Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions?

  • How do I change the limiting beliefs I have about myself?

  • Where do I begin to discover my true self?

  • How do I figure out what I want in my life?

  • Who do I want to be in this life?

  • What am I willing to change or let go of to achieve my dreams?

  • What does living life with purpose and passion look and feel like?

Lyfe Light

This program is for the person who is seeking to understand and discover their unique footprint in the world.  If you are a recent high school or college graduate, or a professional who would like to transition out of just a job into a career with passion, or if you are just in need for someone to help steer you along life's lighter path, this program is designed for you!

What's Included:

  • Focus on one life area - (Professional, Relationship, Spiritual, Emotional, Financial, Health/Wellness)
  • Six 50-minute private coaching sessions (virtual or by phone)
  • Lyfe work and email support between sessions
  • Individual Lyfe Dsign Journal
  • Personalized Lyfe Dsign Vision Statement

Lyfe Source

Sometimes life needs a refresher!  This program is ideal for the career professional who is unsatisfied in their current position in life and work and just needs to reconnect to purpose. If you have experienced a life transition such as a relationship change, relocation, or newly became an empty nester, this is the place for us to start your new life journey.  We will work together and get you reconnected to your true Lyfe Source!

What's Included:

  • Focus on two life areas - (Professional, Relationship, Spiritual, Emotional, Financial, Health/Wellness)
  • Custom Gift Basket with Essentials for this program
  • Twelve 50-minute private coaching sessions (virtual or by phone)
  • Lyfe work and email support between sessions
  • Personalized Lyfe Dsign Vision Statement

Full Lyfe

In this year long journey together, we will focus our attention on all of the six life areas and intentionally design our Full Lyfe Blueprint.  This course is for those who are truly ready to transform from existing to living.  Every aspect of our lives will be covered throughout this year together.  In the end, you can be expected to be transformed into your Full Lyfe Dsign.  We will end our time together with an elite retreat to fellowship.

What's Included:

  • Focus on multiple life areas - (Professional, Relationship, Spiritual, Emotional, Financial, Health/Wellness)
  • Custom Gift Basket with Essentials
  • Invitation to Elite Retreat
  • Twice monthly 50-minute private coaching sessions (virtual or by phone)
  • Lyfe work and email support between sessions
  • Personalized Lyfe Dsign Vision Statement
  • VIP Access to Featured Event